Data Detail Dosen
NIP 083110101
Nama Arif Hartono
Gelar Depan
Gelar Belakang S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
Fakultas EKONOMI
Program Studi Manajemen

Karya Ilmiah : {PIC Fakultas} Penelitian - Publikasi Jurnal

Karya Ilmiah : Publikasi Ilmiah

No. Judul Nama Tahun
1 Comparative Governance of Non-Profit Organization: Case Study of ONL Mardi Wuto and Hamba in Yogyakarta
  1. Sugiyanto ,
  2. Prof. Dr. Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, S.E., M.M.
  3. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
  4. Lathiful Khuluq,
2 The Responsibility Principles in The Framework of Good Corporate Governance of The Social Welfare Institution in The Special Region of Yogyakarta
  1. Sugiyanto ,
  2. Prof. Dr. Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, S.E., M.M.
  3. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
  4. Lathiful Khuluq,
3 Do Innovation Barriers Drive A Firm to Adopt Open Innovation? Indonesian Firms' Experiences
  1. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
4 Innovation Barriers and Their Impact on Innovation: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Firms
  1. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
  2. Ratih Kusumawardhani, SE, M.Sc,
5 Searching Widely or Deely? The Impact of Open Innovation on Innovation Performance Among Indonesian Manufacturing Firms
  1. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
  2. Ratih Kusumawardhani, SE, M.Sc,
6 Developing New Ideas & Capability-based Framework for Innovation Process: Firm Analysis for Indonesia
  1. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
7 Investigating Market Orientation-Business Performance Relationships in the Yogyakarta (Indonesia) Batik Family Firms.
  1. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
8 Why Residential Consumers in a Rural Area of Australia Voluntarily Purchase Green Electricity? A Qualitative Study
  1. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.
9 Information Requirements in the Selection of Indonesian Higher Education Institutions: Evidence from Education Expo Visitors
  1. Arif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D.

Karya Ilmiah : Laporan Penelitian

Karya Ilmiah : Prosiding Penelitian

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Badan Pengembangan Akademik Universitas Islam Indonesia
Gedung Prabuningrat Lantai 3 Sayap Utara Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Yogyakarta
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